Wonderful Illustrations By Melanie Delon

Wonderful Illustrations By Melanie Delon
I love sharing lovely and inspiring paintings at this fine art blog and this blog become such an important part of my life that I cannot spent even a single day without blogging. 
As you all must be aware that I own two other blogs as well! For uninitiated I would like to tell that those blogs are beauty and fashion freaks and ramp diary. The first one is one year and few months old while the latter one has born few months ago. I would love if you could share your thoughts and suggestions for these blogs.
Now let me start for what I am here. Well! I loved these illustrations by Melanie Delon who is a self-taught freelance painter from Paris. It’s commendable to see the art of Melanie, truly amazing and appreciate this artist’s work a lot.
Have a look at some the works of this artist and enjoy.