Lovely Colorful Portrait Paintings by Svenja Jodicke

Lovely Colorful Portrait Paintings by Svenja Jodicke

How many of you love colourful art and paintings? I am sure that most of you love colors that’s why you are here at this fine art/paintings/art inspiration blog :) correct me if I am wrong :) we all know that art lovers have great inclination towards colors and I am no exception. 
I feel life without colors if worthless and is without any charm. Such a life is almost a waste. Colors and art is everywhere and for me they are synonym of beauty. Today I am going to share lovely colourful portrait paintings by Svenja Jodicke who is a Berlin, Germany based artist. Hope you like this artist’s works.

Lovely Colorful Portrait Paintings by Svenja Jodicke

Lovely Colorful Portrait Paintings by Svenja Jodicke

Lovely Colorful Portrait Paintings by Svenja Jodicke

Lovely Colorful Portrait Paintings by Svenja Jodicke

Lovely Colorful Portrait Paintings by Svenja Jodicke

Lovely Colorful Portrait Paintings by Svenja Jodicke

Lovely Colorful Portrait Paintings by Svenja Jodicke

Lovely Colorful Portrait Paintings by Svenja Jodicke